Tuesday 19 June 2012

Guided Work To Scaffold Children's descriptive Writing

Following a shared reading activity where we identified the key features of a piece of descriptive writing, I worked with the higher ability children to encourage them to think about all 5 senses. I gave the children various pictures of settings with visual reminders of the senses and a small post it note each.

Worksheets available to download from Here 5 snowy settings in total
(I do not own the rights to the pictures used, I found them on google - credit goes to those who took them)

The children each drew a representation of themselves on a post it and placed themselves into the picture. I then encouraged them to think carefully about what they could see, hear, taste, feel and smell in the location. The children together wrote descriptive phrases for each sense around the photograph. Physically putting themselves into the location worked really well and the improvement in the level of independent writing that followed was significant.

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